Sports and computer technology
Scientific and technological progress is characterized by a very rapid pace. It can be explained by the high level of information and communication technologies. IT is a set of tools and methods combined in a single process for collecting, storing, processing and displaying information.
Computerization has implemented modern information technologies in sports. So, now more and more teachers and students in sports universities, coaches, sportsmen and journalists use IT to optimize their activities.
Application of IT in sports
- Learning – methodological materials with flowcharts, animations, photos and videos are a perfect way to improve the skills of teachers and coaches, and all kinds of equipment will make it possible to teach students both in large groups and individually;
- Results’ quality control– IT technologies give a quick and accurate assessment of the sportsmen’s performance;
- Information processing and storage – for example, you need a database for storing information and a database management system that can analyze many indicators and quickly produce a result during the Olympic Games;
- Event coverage, advertising and propaganda – a special IT group has been created to develop programs, websites, live streaming, etc.
Advantages of using information technology in sports:
- Time saving
- Improving the effectiveness of teaching
- The possibility of distance learning
- Access to large amounts of information
- Broad audience coverage
- Measurement accuracy
- Simplification of information management
So, IT technologies have many advantages, namely accuracy, reliability, efficiency, convenience and the possibility of wide usage for solving tasks.